terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2010

Veneza, Italia

NAME OF THE PROJECT: "Searching for the learning"
TYPE OF THE PROJECT: Training Course
ORGANISATION: Energy Formazione (Itália - Veneza)


Usually many youth leaders have very basic idea on what the youth work means. Reality oftenly is activities just for fun, just to be together. This is important, but not enough for the youth exchanges or initiatives. Learning is nothing academical, boring and heavy. As soon as you train yourself to see an learning opportunity in anything that happens around, you can’t let it go, you will bring it into the sun and you will use it.
There are hundreds of tools, methods, methodologies existing, but it´s important to remind all reasources that exist; find smart ways to use them by addopting methods to the needs of each group of youngsters with whom we work. We can do hundreds of interesting things together with youngsters and still be educative. This is what we want to trasmit to other colleagues from partnercountries. Share, motivate and educate!

DATE: from 23th to 30th Abril of 2010
DEADLINE: 16th of April
PARTNER COUNTRIES: Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italian, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, United Kingdom, Turkey.
TEAM: 1 participante
COSTS: €195 (Travel expenses, board and lodging included)